ACC Sensitive Claims

ACC is a New Zealand government organisation. ACC Sensitive Claims can provide support for those who have suffered a physical and/or mental injury as a result of sexual violence.

A Sensitive Claim provides funding so you may access services from ACC Registered Providers. These services include a number of counselling sessions and some social services.

The ACC website provides more information here.

How our team can help you

We can file a Sensitive Claim with ACC on your behalf.

The members of our team are ACC Registered Providers and health professionals with extensive, specialist experience assisting those who have been subjected to sexual violence.

Led by Jane McPherson, we have two psychologists and a counsellor who can support you within a caring, safe and confidential environment.

Our team approach offers a range of skills so we can design and provide the best therapeutic funded programme for you.

If you would like to know more about making a Claim and how the ACC Sensitive Claims Team can help you, please contact ACC.

Feel free to contact Jane today...

Bond - Counselling, New Plymouth, Taranaki

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